Yang (girl)
I am a Marketing Assistant Trainee
I wear an AA Tunic. A bag by GAP.
Jeans by CHEAP MONDAY. Sneakers by NIKE.
Perfume: I did'nt find the good one yet !
For me Fashion should be simple and not so Fashion.
My look is striped & simple.
I love Design, Painting, Cooking and Singing.
I don't like Hospital.
My message to the world: Don't be shy. Just try !
Lao (boy)
I am a Marketing Assistant trainee
All my outfit is vintage, except my pants by "Comme des garçons" for H&M.
My Bag is from L.CREDI.
Perfume: HERMES
For me Fashion should be soft & confortable.
My look is Safari !
I love people. I don't like bad boys.
My message to the world: Stop pollution and get welle dressed !