Nathalie - Rue Tiquetonne - Paris Student in Communication School Jacket by Zara Silk Shirt by Thierry Armand Jeans by Bershka Shoes by Minelli Scarf Belt by Zadig et Voltaire Bag by Best Mountain Photos by Easy Fashion Fred
Pierre - Passage du Grand Cerf - Paris Furniture 1960 design Gallerist Jacket and Pants vintage 70's customised Shoes by Church Bow Tie by Diesel Silk Scarf and Shirt no data Socks by Burlington Photos by Easy Fashion Fred
Gaëlle - Rue Tiquetonne - Paris Couturière - check her blog at Sweet.Ko Perfecto by La Halle Tunique by Voodoo Tights from Shop at Châtelet Vintage shoes Jewels from Burkina Faso